Program Overview | Program Overview Flyer (PDF) | Frequently Asked Questions
Program Overview
Thank you for considering volunteering for the Town of Ashby!
Updates to the program as of January 1, 2023.
How it works:
Ashby Seniors Citizens, who qualify for the program, can reduce their property taxes by up to $1500 (max) per year by working for the Town of Ashby.
Sign up by visiting the Council on Aging Director in Town Hall to complete the required application for approval.
Each participant reports to the individual department head for which they are assigned & all worked hours are to be signed off on by that department head. All work needs to be pre-approved by a department head and all work-off hours need to be signed off on by a department head.
Job Opportunities & Requirements:
Visit the Council on Aging Director to find out what jobs are available and find a job to match your skills.
- Ten (10) jobs have been approved by the Town.
- Jobs are first come first served and based on individual department needs.
- The volunteer must have the appropriate skills and physical ability for the position.
- The volunteer and the department head must both agree the job is an appropriate match.
- A participant cannot be related to the head of the department in which they are volunteering.
- Volunteers CANNOT run town machinery.
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicants must be an Ashby resident over the age of 60.
- A participant must complete an application and subsequent payroll paperwork.
- The participant must have owned & occupied their property for at least one year.
- Only property with a dwelling qualifies.
- Only one person per household can participate in the program.
- Your exemption cannot exceed your owed property tax.
- We ask for a 50-hour commitment due to the limited number of slots available.
For questions and an application please reach out to:
COA Director’s Office: | 978-386-2424 ext. 131 COA Office Hours: M-Th 8am-12pm |
Ashby Assessors Office: | 978-386-2424 ext. 137 Office Hours: M-Th 8am-12pm |
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How many hours can I work? |
A: The maximum hours able to be worked per year is 100. |
Q: How much do I earn per hour? |
A: You will earn the state minimum wage- currently $15.00 per hour |
Q: Do I have to work the full 100 hours or earn the full $1500? |
A: We do ask for a 50-hour commitment due to the limited number of slots available. |
Q: I saw something that needed to be done in town so I did it. Can I use those hours towards my work-off hours? |
A: No. All work needs to be pre-approved by a department head and all work-off hours must be signed off on by a department head. |
Q: Can I fill in for a town employee who is out sick? |
A: No. All work needs to be pre-approved by a department head and all work-off hours must be signed off on by a department head. |
Q: My relative is a town employee…can I still participate in the program? |
A: Yes. |
Q: Can I work for my relative who is a department head in town? |
A: No. You cannot be related to your department head. |
Q: Can I work for my friend who is a department head in town? |
A: Yes. You can work in any department in which you are NOT related to the department head as long as you are qualified for the position. |
Q: Can I volunteer for the same department as my relative who is a town employee? |
A: Yes, as long as your relative is not your department head and you are qualified for the position. |
Q: What forms do I need to complete to participate in the program? |
A: First, complete an application. Once your application is approved, like all new public employees, you will be required to complete all town employee payroll required forms including: I-9, W-4, OBRA, etc. |
Q: Who signs off on the hours I’ve worked for the town? When do they sign my hours? |
A: The department head for which you are working must sign off. Each payroll cycle your hours for the past 14 days must be signed. |
Q: When should I turn in my hours sheet and to who? |
A: Your hours sheet(s) should be turned into the COA Director by November 2023 unless requested before then. |
Q: What happens to my worked hours if I become ill or unable to continue participating in the program? |
A: All earned hours will be applied to your property’s tax bill. Make sure to notify the COA Director if you are unable to continue on the program. |
Q: Who should I talk to about available jobs? |
A: Contact the COA Director for available positions in town. |