Trash, Recycle, Composting Details:
- Trash is $7.00 per 33 gallon bag.
- Recycles are free with 1 or more bags of trash otherwise $5.00. Items accepted (Guía de reciclaje).
- Other Items Collected: Books/Media, Fire extinguishers, Household batteries (all types), Mercury items, String lights, Shredded paper. Here is the Fee Schedule for other items.
- Textiles are no longer accepted. They can be dropped off at:
- Planet Aid Box at Low Low Convenience Store, 704 Fitchburg State Rd., Ashby, MA.
- The box behind Ashby Town Hall, 895 Main St., Ashby, MA.
- Swap Shop is open when the Transfer Station is open. Leave an item or take one. Clean, lightly used items only.
- Compost: An average household can compost between 500 and 1,000 pounds of organic material each year producing a rich soil supplement out of material that would otherwise be disposed of. Click here to check out tips, how-to’s, and demonstrations on composting from the Mass DEP
- Compost Bins are available at ARCTS at $25 each and are available in 2 styles, the Earth Machine and the New Age Composter.

Beyond the Bin
Search for information on where to recycle various materials and items.
Household Hazardous Waste (Productos Peligrosos para el Hogar)
Hazardous Products Collection Center flyer – Productos Peligrosos para el Hogar folleto
PLACE: 9 Cook St., Devens, MA 01434
DATE: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on the first Wednesday & following Saturday of each month except January & February
WHO: Residents & Pre-Qualified Small Businesses
CONTACT: 978-501-3943,
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